


Valentin Mandache, expert in case de epoca (tel: 0728323272)

Dragi cititori,

Doresc sa va propun un nou tur arhitectural, in partea de vest a pitorescului cartier Cotroceni, ce contine grandioasele edificii ale Universitatii de Stiinte Medicale si Palatul Presedentiei. Turul completeaza setul de peripluri Case de Epoca distincte (est, centru si vest), ce acopera aceasta zona valoroasa arhitectural a Bucurestiului.

Turul este programat pentru duminica 21 mai 2017, intre orele 11.30h – 13.30h. Aceasta excursie culturala poate fi de interes pentru oricare dintre dumneavoastra, localnic sau aflat in vizita ca turist sau cu afaceri, care doreste sa inteleaga caracterul acestei metropole prin descoperirea si intelegerea fascinantei sale arhitecturi vechi.

Cotroceni west-2

Cel mai frumos palat neobaroc al Bucurestiului este Universitatea de Stiinte Medicale, scoala de top in acest domeniu din sud estul Europei, proiectat de arhitectul elvetian Louis Blanc, si construit in 1902, care se afla la centrul partii vestice a Cotroceniului. Estetica sa este pusa favorabil in lumina de mediul construit inconjurator, unul din cele mai fine ale capitalei. Dumneavoastra veti avea astfel posibilitatea sa examinati, ghidati de mine, o serie intreaga din acele exemple debordand de simbolism si mesage, tipice neoromanescului, arhitectura nationala a acestei tari, sau stilurile internationale Art Deco, modernist si mediteranean. Creatorii multora din aceste cladiri au facut parte din generatiile de aur ale arhitectilor romani, personalitati active in perioada interbelica in special, cand aceasta parte a Citește mai mult


Fotografii de la turul arhitectural de duminica 8 aprilie ’12 in Cotroceni

Tur arhitectural Case de Epoca in cartierul Cotroceni, Bucuresti, 8 aprilie ’12 (©Valentin Mandache)

Detalii despre turul arhitectural organizat de Case de Epoca in Cotroceni aici: si aici:


myimageblog-3„Bringing together the power of local knowledge and international experience.”

Historic Houses of Romania – Case de Epoca is the liveliest and most professional online resource dedicated to the architectural heritage of the lands that form Romania, written by me, Valentin Mandache. I am an architectural historian trained in the history and civilisation of Southeast Europe at the London School of Economics and Political Science, with a focus on the architectural traditions and identities of that varied region, being also an overseas member of the Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain.

My mission is to educate the public about the value of the architectural heritage and ways to adding aesthetic and economic value to historic properties. I am based in Bucharest, having previously worked and studied in Britain for a period spanning two decades.

Understanding an old building, its architectural style and historic context, is crucial for the success of a renovation, restoration or marketing project. The same applies if you intend to acquire or sell a period house. Valentin’s international experience, architectural history proficiency and unique local knowledge will help you achieve your goals.

The educated appreciation of historic architecture as well as the professional marketing of historic buildings are emergent fields in Romania and its wider region. „Historic Houses of Romania – Case de Epoca” aims to address that knowledge and expertise deficit by providing professional consulting services to proprietors of period houses, professionals such as architects, property developers, surveyors, and also companies or non-governmental organisations.

“Historic Houses of Romania – Case de Epoca” is a respected internet resource on the architectural heritage of that country, where the author also interacts as much as possible on an one-to-one basis with the public through architectural tours and courses articles in the press, conferences or a multitude of social media networks (please check out the Testimonials or In the Media page, or see the links below).

If you have a historic house project in Romania, I would be delighted to advise you in aspects pertaining to its architectural history and ways to preserve as much as possible from its period fabric and aesthetics in the course of restoration or renovation works, or to counsel you with specialist consultancy work related to that project. To discuss your particular plan please see my contact details in the Contact page of this website


tour-guide-300x450As part of the one-to-one interaction with the interested public, I organise architectural scheduled and private walking tours in Bucharest and other towns and parts of Romania or abroad (see the list and map below), envisioned to spreading the knowledge and appreciation of the local heritage, architectural styles and history, which together represent a virtually undiscovered, but fascinating chapter of European patrimony.

I have a years-long experience in conducting tours for international audiences in Bucharest and locations in Romania or neighbouring countries, which included among participants personalities such as the President of Croatia, high ranking ministers from a number of European states, ambassadors accredited to Romania, multinational company executives, academics and other professionals. See the Testimonials page for views from participants at previous architectural walks.

Tours for corporate groups are also part of my offer, for international or indigenous firms, embassy staff, conference participants, alumni associations, etc. These engaging and interactive cultural walks are excellent for team building, edifying introductions in local history and civilization, orientation for teams relocating to Bucharest or other towns, or as educative entrainment associated with international conferences.

I also do bespoke tours on subjects of your special interest, related to architecture and history, in Bucharest or other towns and regions of Romania, provided you would give me adequate advance notice to assemble the necessary details for a high quality cultural circuit.

If you would like to book a Historic Houses of Romania – Case de Epoca architectural walk, please call me with your requirements, using the get in touch details listed in the Contact page, and we will discuss the specific elements needed to help you to making a decision.

List of scheduled tours (click links for details), also available for booking by private groups or individuals:

1. Bucharest thematic tours
Art Nouveau Bucharest The early Neo-Romanian style
Art Deco and Modernist Bucharest The Neo-Romanian style at its peak
Bucharest as the Little Paris of the Balkans The late Neo-Romanian style
Bellu Cemetery architecture Jewish Bucharest
Great architectural allegorical panoplies The Royal Exhibition of 1906 in Carol Park
Architecture after the Great Fire of 1847
2. Bucharest area tours
East Cotroceni Batistei
Central Cotroceni Plantelor
West Cotroceni Berthelot – Cazzavillan
Dorobanti Mosilor
Dacia Athenaeum
Mantuleasa Piata Victoriei
Patriarchal See Hill area The Art Deco of Domenii quarter
Calea Calarasi Gara de Nord
Matei Basarab Lipscani
3. Tours outside Bucharest
Balchik (on the Bulgarian Black sea coast) Sibiu
Targoviste Campina


consultancy-workdeskA historic house is an aesthetic product embodying the fashions of the time when it was built, together with the social and artistic aspirations of its proprietors, often an object of art resulting from the meeting of minds between the architect who designed it and the initial owner. It is also an expression of identity, such as national, regional, cosmopolitan, religious, professional, or ethnic, reflected in its architectural style, decoration, ornaments, colour scheme or materials used. In the decades, and in some cases even centuries, since the building has been erected, it has passed through many repairs and renovations. Likewise, an old house throughout its history is affected by natural subsidence, floods, earthquakes, storms, as well as historic upheavals exemplified by wars or economic crises, thus having its design style and symbolic messages, depending of its fortunes, obscured or enriched, under the custody of successive generations of occupants.

